La teva cistella és buida
Llapis de thru factura (enganyar)Llapis de thru factura (enganyat)
El ratolí sobre la imatge per ampliar
Llapis de thru factura (enganyar) Llapis de thru factura (enganyar) Llapis de thru factura (enganyar) Llapis de thru factura (enganyar) Llapis de thru factura (enganyar) Llapis de thru factura (enganyar) Llapis de thru factura (enganyar)

Llapis de thru factura (enganyat)

Llista de preus: $1.50
Venda: $0,62
Tan baix com: $ i 0,44 us

Punts de recompensa1

Preu rebaixat
$ i 0,44 us
  • Model: G0065
  • Volumètrics: 12 Grams
  • 949 in Stock
  • Enviament: Calculat a la caixa

Afegir a la cistella:

This effect has become a very popular one with Magicians, ever since David Copperfield presented it on one of his TV. Spectaculars. It is the visual and incredible penetration of a borrowed note or bill, by an ordinary pencil, with everything performed in front of their eyes.
What more could you ask for? Misled was created by FISM award-winning inventor Timothy Wenk and performed exactly as described in this booklet by David Copperfield on international television!
Effect: A $100 bill and (in most cases) a pencil are borrowed from a member of the audience. The borrowed bill may be marked for later identification if desired.
You proceed to use the pencil to pierce a hole in the center of the bill-there's no doubt that the pencil is truly through the bill. Watch the audience gasp (especially the bill's owner) at what happens rip the pencil through the bill-the audience clearly sees the pencil rip through and they can hear the sound of paper ripping! Yet, somehow the bill is left completely unharmed!
You offer to repeat the effect, this time the pencil mysteriosly melts through the bill in slow motion-it looks unbelievable! Both the pencil and the bill may then be handed out for complete examination. 

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Invisible Elastic Stretch Loops
Contacts:Mrs Jin Tel:+86 579 85201234 Cell Phone: +86 13625799799 Address:KaiYuanBeiJie 105# YanZhuangHuaZhuangPin 5F Kingmagic
YiWu City Zhejiang Province China Copyright:Yiwu Huang Jia magic props Co., Ltd. 浙ICP备08007292号