A Futuristic effect for Fism 2012
It's incredible what you can do with "THE LASER By Eitan Klerer".
Tento efekt je hypnotizující, dech beroucí a mimo hranice futuristické magie!
This product is one of the many effects that Eitan Kellerer created in the the world of magic. A few of them are: "The Code" and "Shocking". Until now "The Laser" effect, was performed by a few magicians and jugglers, one of them by "The LASER MAN" in Israel, with a spectacular laser show.
Due to the great demand for this effect, we decided to start selling it to the public.
Out from now where,you rip a laser beam coming out of your fist from both sides. You hold it up and spin it in all directions, like a futuristic Matrix-style. Sounds cool? But wait! You can move or transfer the laser beam in slow or fast motion just like a solid stick. Seems impossible? Its real!
You can also break the laser beam to a 90 or 45 degree angle or any angle you wish. You can pass the beam through your stomach or hang your shirt on the beam. The possibilities are endless. Watch the video "Ludhiana" for other ideas. The Laser beam can clearly be seen throughout the entire length on both sides, also from a distance, for large stage audiences. This is an incredible effect!
Technické údaje
Zelený laserový paprsek intenzivní bilaterální 150mw
THE LASER - Built from one solid piece, only 7.5cm in length! It can fit easily in your fist.
Je dodáván s dobíjecí baterií, není třeba vyměnit baterie.
Každý plné nabití umožňuje 20 minut Showtime! Mohou být účtovány až 1000 krát.
Je dodáván s nabíječka 110/220v.
Další data:
Laser beam power 150MW two green parties.
Konkrétní vlnové délce 532NM.
3.6 V lithiové baterie 300ma.
Vysokoúrovňové optika.
Nemiřte paprskem na oči, auta, letadla, zvířat atd ...
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