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Tarjeta para CD Tarjeta para CD Tarjeta para CD Tarjeta para CD Tarjeta para CD Tarjeta para CD Tarjeta para CD

Tarjeta para CD

Precio de lista: $24,00
Sale: $9.84

Puntos de recompensa20

  • Model: G0234
  • Volumetric: 840 Grams
  • 682 in Stock
  • Envío: Calculado en caja

Añadir a la cesta:

Let the audience choose a magician cards, confirmation cards or make a mark, and then back into the whole Vice-cards, shuffled and turned over to the audience, the audience goes on to identify playing cards, etc. After that choose the audience to find poker has disappeared, and this time the magician took out a box of CD, to the audience, the audience open the CD case, and found two CD piece, and just choose a playing card was added between the two CD.
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Contacts:Mrs Jin Tel:+86 579 85201234 Cell Phone: +86 13625799799 Address:KaiYuanBeiJie 105# YanZhuangHuaZhuangPin 5F Kingmagic
YiWu City Zhejiang Province China Copyright:Yiwu Huang Jia magic props Co., Ltd. 浙ICP备08007292号