This is electronic radio frequency magic of the highest level.
The Magic Die is handed to a volunteer.
He is instructed to select a number on the die, then place the die on a table with the selected number facing up. He covers the die with the bag or a cloth.
The magician tells the volunteer that the expressions on his face will tell him what the number is.
He is instructed to count slowly from 1 thru 6. The magician afterwards announces the correct number. The cover is removed to reveal the selected number.
The trick can be immediately repeated.
The magician then tells the volunteer that he can know the number by the inflections in the voice.
The volunteer is instructed to select a number again after the magician turns his back to him.
He then has the volunteer count slowly from 1 thru 6. The magician speaks out the selected number. The cover is removed to show that he is correct.
A beautiful hand crafted die. This die is made from rare exotic woods, they are a true piece of art.
Comes complete with die, receiver.