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Kingmagic tin tức & bài viếtĐóng lên Magic |The site of King Magic is considered as the best place to find the finest brands of ma thuật đạo cụ by the YIWU HUANGJIA Co., Ltd. It is always available and accessible that’s why you can search and visit them anytime you want. The site was created for people who are looking for unique, tough and high quality magic props that they can use for any occasion and parties. Magicians are people who usually utilize these magic props. The site of King Magic sells branded and high quality magic props that can really last for a very long period of time. It features a unique and impressive style of magic props that you will surely love and the ones that can surely match and suit your tastes and demands. The site is an expert when it comes to supplying and selling any types or kind of props that are usually used by magicians. With the presence of this site, it will be easier for people especially for the magicians to look for new magic props. But before that, what is close up magic and what are the ways in performing magic tricks? The Close up Magic is also known as table magic or micro magic. This is the kind of magic is normally perform in a close or near setting that typically measures for about three meters of ten feet. The close up magic is performed by utilizing the flourishes and sleight of hand. The flourishes are the just like juggling to a juggler. And the sleight up hand is also called as quick finger or lightness of hand. This is a set of methods that is used by the micro magicians to handle and operate object like coins and cards furtively or secretly. There are steps that you can follow if you have the interest to learn of on how to do magic tricks. 1.The first step that you should do is to learn the easy way of performing magic tricks. You can do this by searching the internet about the different kinds of tricks that are easy to perform. 2.Type the words how to do magic tricks for beginners in your chosen site. And after that, numerous results will appear. You can now choose one on those results. 3.You also begin simple and easy tricks of magic through the presence of paper tricks, coin tricks and card tricks. 4.Gather and assemble the entire supplies and props that require in presenting your own tricks. 5.Rehearse in front of the mirror. In this case, you will know and see what the audience will visualize in your magic tricks. Concentrate in your terms, level of your confidence and movements of your hands. 6.Plan and organize convincing talks that surely go with your presentation. 7.Include your audience when you are performing your magic tricks. 8.Make a very efficient and necessary environment that has muted lights and right effect of sounds to have more effective magical environment. 9.Fight the lure or attraction to have an exposure on how you do your magic tricks. Prevent the audience from speculations to keep them captivated.
News for Tuesday 09 July, 2013 Xem tất cả tin tức cho thứ ba 09 tháng 7 năm 2013 trên một trang Tin tức mới
Contacts:Mrs Jin Tel:+86 579 85201234 Cell Phone: +86 13625799799 Address:KaiYuanBeiJie 105# YanZhuangHuaZhuangPin 5F Kingmagic
YiWu City Zhejiang Province China Copyright:Yiwu Huang Jia magic props Co., Ltd. 浙ICP备08007292号
YiWu City Zhejiang Province China Copyright:Yiwu Huang Jia magic props Co., Ltd. 浙ICP备08007292号